Finished watching: Acapulco (2021, season 1) directed by Richard Shepard ★★★★ 📺

A fun ride so far. Excited for seasons 2 and 3.

Just watched: Pretty Strong (2020) by Never Not Collective ★★★★ 🎥

Incredible climbing. Tangible stoke. All-female climbers and filmmakers. 👍👍 (Trailer)

Just watched: Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) directed by the Daniels 🎥 ★★★★

In a word, wild. In two words, absurdly entertaining. In three words, just gotta watch.

Finished watching: The Menu (2022) directed by Mark Mylod 🎥 ★★☆☆

Quite strange. Perhaps engrossing? Sillier as it went on.

Skiing today was fantastic! ⛷️🎥

And I just love finding these impossibly balanced rocks out in nature. They’re so neat! 📷

A giant bolder covered with snow and trees, balancing on a tiny bit of its underside.

Okay, you got me. 😂 🎥 🔊…

Introduce yourself with 5 TV shows 📺:

  • How I Met Your Mother
  • The Leftovers
  • Ted Lasso
  • Parks & Rec
  • Castle

Finished watching: Mr. Corman (2021) written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt 📺 ★★☆☆

It’s hard to wrap my thoughts about this show into a tight little bow because it was kind of all over the place. But I can say that it was masterful in bringing forth emotions from real everyday life. The last three episodes, which took place during 2020 pandemic, so accurately captured the fear and uncertainty of that time that I forgot for a moment that I wasn’t actually in lockdown in my house.

I can’t foresee a Season 2, which it sounds like there won’t be one, but I think it’s worth watching – even if just for it’s weirdness and rawness.

Oh, and it feels like this show was Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s demon dog. He wrote, directed, and starred in the show and wrote and performed the music. Pretty cool.